Finally, Really, At Last

(June 2011 Voice of Our Savior)

On or about July 1st the demolition begins. Finally, the actual construction phase is slated to begin after nearly 5 years of planning, setbacks, re-planning, delays, disappointment, and more planning.

Shortly before Easter the design team’s executive committee met with the principals of Triton Construction to review the proposed plan and estimated costs. Exceeding by several hundred thousand dollars what the church family authorized for the project, the committee asked Triton to remove the elevator, office relocation, restroom renovations, and lower level storage closets. Several weeks later Triton was ready with the revised costs in keeping with the committee’s request.

President Donna Rice, Treasurer Gunter Georgi, and “construction manager” Tom Rice presented financial and construction reports to the Semi-Annual meeting of the congregation. A motion was made and seconded to proceed with the complete scope of work. The resolution passed with one negative vote recorded and four abstentions. A second motion authorizing the Finance/Investment team to prepare a financing plan by the June Council meeting also passed.

Financially, ca. $250,000 has been spent to date on the windows, architectural fees, and deposits on the fire suppression sprinkler system. The additional anticipated costs are ca. $1.6-million. Add a $200K contingency budget to these figures and we’re close to $2-million.  Significant expenditures are required in order to bring the facility up to current required building codes. While the 1925 sanctuary and 1960 von Schlichten Memorial Hall existed for many years without a sprinkler system, “the code” now mandates it. A number of code-related requirements adds up quickly.

Members and friends have opportunity to help. A goodly number have already made donated to the Ronnie Mosby Kitchen, purchased memorial pavers and planters, and made contributions to the “Re-building for Our Savior’s” campaign. Your participation is very important. If you haven’t become involved, if you’ve been waiting to see something happen before joining the Our Savior’s team, watch for the commencement of building renovations next month!