This is Christ's Church.
There is a place for you here.

We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person -- questions, complexities and all.  Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.


Lutheran Church of Our Savior

A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

12 Franklin Avenue, Port Washington, NY 11050

Phone 516-767-0603

Sunday Worship at 10:00 AM




 Church Office Hours

The Church Office will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Church Office - Dorothy Schweitzer, Interim Office Manager

Pastor - Roger Berner

Director of Music - Federico Teti

Custodian - Marvin Mora

Facilities Use Coordinator - Linda Murphy




   There's a place for everyone at Our Savior to be involved and make new friends through small group ministries, fellowship events, and committees for the congregation's life and mission.  Membership is voluntary and personal.

   Persons join when they express the desire to affiliate.  Adults may join formally the congregation by either a letter of membership transfer from another Christian congregation or by adult Confirmation.

   The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated with this understanding: that the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ are truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine; and, that the penitent receive the full forgiveness of all their sins. All baptized Christians who, in good conscience, can receive with this understanding are invited to partake.

   Baptisms and weddings are conducted as needed. A church wedding requires a couple to spend a period of time preparing for marriage in consultation with the pastor.

   Worship is at 10 a.m. every Sunday.

An elevator and access ramp are available for entering and exiting the building. Refreshments are usually served after worship on Sunday. In warmer weather, the church is air-conditioned for your comfort.


The Weekly Caller

Phone 516-767-0603


Pentecost 10

July 28, 2024


10:00 am   Holy Communion

Today is the first of five Sundays with gospel readings from John 6, the first four of which focus on Jesus as bread of life. Today Jesus feeds thousands of people with five loaves and two fish. What we have, what we bring to Jesus’ table, seems like it is not nearly enough to meet all the needs we see around us. But it is not the adequacy of our supplies or our skills that finally makes the difference: it is the power of Jesus working in the littlest and least to transform this world into the world God desires, a world where all the hungry are satisfied.

Let us pray.

Gracious God, you have placed within the hearts of all your children a longing for your word and a hunger for your truth. Grant that we may know your Son to be the true bread of heaven and share this bread with all the world, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.



Pentecost 10 Readings

click on the hyperlink to read the entire text


2 Kings 4:42-44
Elisha feeding a hundred people

Ephesians 3:14-21

Prayer for wisdom, strength, and Christ’s indwelling

John 6:1-21

Christ feeding the five thousand


Leading Our Liturgy
Pentecost 10


 Roger Berner, Pastor

Federico Teti, Director of Music

Pia Haselbach, Assisting Minister

Nico Kothe, Acolyte

Giulio Varsi, Lector

Denise DePalma, Coffee Hour

Laura Boehm, Gladys Dello-Iacono, Fabiola Knight, Kate Laber, Irene Wood, Altar Care

Luke DePalma, Charles Kietzman, Michael Liu, Jerry Lockwood, Richard Swenson, Ushers


In Our Daily Prayers



Our Congregation: Lutheran Church of Our Savior and our Pastor Roger Berner and Pastor Elect Rebekah Swanson;

Our Synod, Metropolitan New York Synod and Bishop Paul Egensteiner;

Our Church, the ELCA and Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton;

Our Lutheran World Federation and President Bishop Henrik Stubkjær


especially for peace in: Afghanistan, Central African Republic, China, Ethiopia, Haiti, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Myanmar, Palestine, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Ukraine, Yemen, and the United States.


Mikey Ferro, son of Barbara; Janice Grasso; Pia Haselbach; Rosa Kietzman, wife of Charles; Haldis Olsen; Monta Ozols; Shaleen Shivdasani, Karen Spitz; Ron Starkes; Ken Wang.


Evelyn Schwartz

Tuttle Center Rehab, Harborside

Domenic Madia

Stern Rehab, North Shore University Hospital

Sick and Recovering

Liam Carlton, son of Kevin and Gina Carlton; James Dello-Iacono, son of Gladys Dello-Iacono; Kaylee Dello-Iacono, daughter of James Dello-Iacono; Steve Signorile, husband of Sheri Golub.

Family and Friends

Jessica Adam, Jennifer Bezy, Tom Carretta, Gene Comella, Rosa Contreras, Marie Corrado, Thomas Delmastro, David Fairhurst, Gilbert Ferro, Scott Huibregtse, Desmarie Hyatt, Russell Johnson, Kayla Kearney, Donald Kurz, Michele Lockwood, Ann Martin, Brigitte Mueller (St. Francis Hospital), James Nicholson, Nicole O’Donnell, Claude Pardi, Lucca Pulley, Morag Rollins, Greg Sandbichler, Thomas Schauer, Lynn Scott, Shaan Shivdasani, Judith Smith, Tracy Smith, Della Rose Stephens, Jeanne Sunday, William Tripodo.


Pastor Berner is serving ½ time and as Interim Pastor.  If you are in need of pastoral care, please call him at 301-655-5012.


Help us acknowledge our church family’s milestones - complete a Membership Form for your family. Forms are in the narthex - complete and return to the office.


 A Note from the Pastor Elect

July 2024

         I am deeply honored to accept the Call to serve as your Pastor.  I want to extend my gratitude to you for putting your trust in me and for giving me this incredible opportunity to begin this new chapter and to see where God is calling us together on the path of discipleship.

         Thank you for you’re your gracious hospitality during the weekend of the Call vote!  See you in September.  With gratitude and blessings,

Pr. Rebekah Swanson


     Pastor Berner is back! While he remains our official interim Pastor until August 31st, we will celebrate his is nearly three years as the shepherd of the LCOS on Sunday August 11th with a special luncheon.


    The Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes is located near the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee. In this ancient church, near the altar on the floor is a mosaic dating back to the Byzantine Period, the late fifth century.  The mosaic depicts the loaves and fishes, but in this depiction there are two fishes but only four loaves, not five. This was not a mistake or mistranslation; itis a reminder that the fifth loaf is present in Jesus, the bread of life.


Rollin’ in the Dough—and Fishes

In recent years many books have focused on baking vast assortments of breads—from rye to pumpernickel, French to Italian. Today, however, we encounter a bread that points to both a deeper longing, physically and spiritually, and an even more fulfilling outcome than the tastiest assortment of baked bread. This abundance of bread satisfies hunger, transforms lives, and ushers in a new vision of the holy in community. Recognizing the power of action, John calls to mind the ways prophets fed and nourished the people, and then he multiplies this in the person and action of Jesus. Jesus uses earthly gifts to provide for the gathered community—the gospel’s vision of Jesus’ life and God’s abundance in creation. Second Kings and John allow our congregations to wonder with the faithful servants and disciples how God will provide. We might start by reflecting on a sentence written by the late UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold:  “Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive, to carry, and give back.”  The scriptures today open a door for us to think about how individuals and communities are nourished and sustained by God, and also imagine how we become vessels of the holy who are now opened to the call of service.  How might ordinary gifts (and ordinary people) become the ways God’s love and mercy are multiplied in sustenance for neighbor, community, and world?  Through our questions, our acts of giving, and our proclamation of the works of God in Christ Jesus, we are invited to experience what it means to be rooted in God’s sustaining love and to proclaim this God who invites us into the unimaginable vision of abundance.


I’m coming to you directly from our team in Ukraine, where missile strikes hit cities across the country — including a children’s hospital in Kyiv. Our team was just blocks away from the hospital at the time of the deadly attack. They rushed to the bombed medical center, working alongside first responders to provide care and support.  The situation was terrifying and desperate, especially for the young patients and their families. They’ve asked me to let you know that your compassion is urgently needed in this time of crisis. We distribute aid — including LWR Quilts and Personal Care Kits — to patients, their families and others affected by the attack. With support from faithful people like you, we can do more to care for neighbors in need. Please send your gift now to: 

Send your gift to:; or by calling 1-800-597-5972; or by check to: Lutheran World Relief, PO Box 17061,Baltimore, MD 21297Your gift is tax deductible.

Thank you for proving time and time again that you come through when you are needed.



at the 
Lutheran Church of Our Savior

Click HERE for the Kid's Bulletin
Click HERE for the Kid's Bulletin
Click HERE for the Kid's Bulletin






















This is Christ's Church.
There is a place for you here.

We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person

-- questions, complexities and all.

Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.


  • Interim Office Manager

    Please welcome Dorothy Schweitzer as our Interim Office Manager! Ms. Schweitzer joined the staff on July 15, following the departure of Sue Waiter, who has served our church diligently since January 2022. Ms. Waiter had been dividing her time between the church and a graduate program at the Parsons School of Design and will now focus full-time on completing her master's degree. Ms. Schweitzer grew up in the church and is looking forward to helping us welcome our new Pastor. Thanks be to God for these women of faith!

  • Welcome Back Pastor Roger Berner


    Pastor Berner is back! While he remains our official Interim Pastor until August 31st, we will celebrate his nearly three year anniversary as the shepherd of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior with a special luncheon on Sunday, August 11.  

    Linda Murphy
    Church Council President

  • Pastor Roger Berner

    Our Interim Pastor                                                                                             

    I grew up on the Great Plains, in the fifth largest (14,007 people) metropolitan area in South Dakota – Watertown.  We lived on the edge of  “town”, and had a huge garden – or was it a small farm?  We had a tractor and a plow to turn the soil over in the spring.  My father ordered 1,000 tomato plants and 3,000 cabbage plants from Georgia every spring.  We also grew carrots, onions, cucumbers, squash, corn, beans, peas, beets, and potatoes.  The entire garden was surrounded by hundreds of peonies.

    I enjoyed planting the corn and potatoes, because I did that with my father.  He dug the hole and I threw in a few kernels of corn or some old smelly potatoes cut up with “eyes” sticking out.  I did not enjoy weeding the garden.  In fact, the weeds usually won out toward the end of the summer, but the harvest was nonetheless bountiful and delicious.  Growing up, I never tasted sweet corn that was more than 15 minutes old.  My father picked the corn, I husked it, my mother cooked it, and we all ate it together.  My father would also take me with him to seine for minnows, or to go fishing and hunting.  While driving, my father quizzed me on what crop was growing in each field we passed.  He would point to the right or left and I would say:  corn, wheat, barley, flax, soy beans or rye.  The most difficult to distinguish were wheat and oats – they look so much alike.  My favorite crop was flax (linen is made from flax, as is the fine paper used for Bibles), because when it was in bloom it looked like a blue sea.

    Joseph and Mary must have taught Jesus about agriculture because his parables were filled with images of “the farm” – mustard, sheep, grapes, goats, mint, wolves, wheat, doves, barley, dogs, olives, cows, and lilies.  My mother, Sunday School teachers, pastors, and professors taught me the parables of Jesus; but I came to understand his parables through what my father taught me in the garden and the fields.

    I studied history at St. Olaf College in Minnesota and continued on at Luther Seminary in St. Paul.  While at seminary I organized a “summer internship” outside of Phoenix, doing youth work and going door to door, inviting people to “Come and See!” the new mission church.  I also served as “the Vicar” at Zion Lutheran Church in Brooklyn, New York for my official internship.  Those two places were very different, but both were filled with amazing, wonderful, and faithful members who were also my teachers.

    I was ordained in January at my home congregation in South Dakota.  It was  -27 degrees (-69 degrees wind chill factor), and no one even suggested postponing the service.  St. John Mark Lutheran Church in Homestead (Pittsburgh), PA had called me as their Pastor, and I served there for 9 years.  Then Trinity Lutheran Church in North Bethesda, MD called me, where I served for 28 years until October 2018.  Both were places of faith, hope, love, and great joy for me.  After a year of retirement, the Interim Bishop of New York asked if I would serve as the Interim Pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church, Pleasantville, NY – a delightful experience to share the good news of Christ in Westchester County with a wonderful congregation, even through the challenges and learning opportunities of a pandemic. 

    Now I have begun a new adventure of faith in Christ Jesus – getting to know and love the people of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Port Washington.  I trust that we will laugh and cry, work and play, sing and pray together during this “in between” time for LCOS, as we continue to trust in God’s grace and mercy to lead us into a future of Spirit-led ministry.       


  • Pray for the Peace of Israel and Palestine

    Pray for the Peace of Israel and Palestine


    The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem was built between 1893 and 1898. It houses Lutheran congregations that worship in Arabic, German, Danish, and English.  It serves as the headquarters of the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, the Arabic-speaking (Palestinian) Church of Jordan, Palestine, and Israel.  The LCOR has a congregation of around 3,000 members.

    Sally Ibrahim Azar was ordained as the first female Pastor in the Holy Land on January 22, 2023. She is now the Pastor of the Church’s English-speaking congregation.

    The church was built on land given by Sultan Abdülhamid of the Ottoman Empire.  In 1898, Kaiser Wilhelm II made a trip to Jerusalem to personally dedicate the new church.  For the dedication of the church, the Kaiser entered the city on horseback through two specially made ceremonial arches, one a gift of the Ottoman Empire and one a gift from the local Jewish community.  The church was dedicated on Reformation Day, 1898.  The church tower (one of the tallest structures in the Old City) is open to the public and offers a spectacular view of the city.



    Augusta Victoria Hospital began its ministry in East Jerusalem, which was part of the Kingdom of Jordan, to serve the medical needs of Palestinian refugees in 1950.  Operating from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, the Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) is a health care institution of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) primarily serving the Palestinian population.

    AVH is one of six specialized hospitals in the East Jerusalem Hospital Network, which has contributed to the development of the Palestinian health care system and the education of healthcare workers and specialists. The hospital provides specialty care for Palestinians from across the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with services including a cancer center, a dialysis unit, a pediatric center, and a bone marrow transplant unit.  It is the sole remaining specialized-care hospital located in the West Bank or Gaza Strip.  With 120 in-patient beds, it is the only radiation therapy facility serving 4.5 million Palestinians.

  • Lutheran World Relief

    Faithful Lutherans have a long history of rushing aid to the frontlines when crisis strikes.

    From sending emergency health care supplies to delivering LWR Mission Quilts, your love has been reaching children, women and families in the direst situations. With your support, together, we will not abandon these neighbors now.

    Your gift will deliver critically needed resources like medical care, food, water and essential supplies where they are needed most.  

    Thank you for putting your faith in action and sharing God’s love with your neighbors.  


    Send your gift: click the box below;
    or by calling 1-800-597-5972;

    or by check to: Lutheran World Relief, PO Box 17061, Baltimore, MD 21297-1061.

    Lutheran World Relief is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  
    Your gift is tax deductible.

  • 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering


    Every three years, thousands of high school youth and their adult leaders from across the ELCA gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith daily.


    The 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans is scheduled for July 16-20, 2024, with pre-gathering events from the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and the tAble July 13-16, and the ELCA Gathering for Young Adults (18-35), which will run concurrently with the ELCA Youth Gathering.   


    For more information about this exciting event, please email The Rev. John Hickey, Synod Champion for Metro NY, at

  • Complexities of Forgiveness

    The Complexities of Forgiveness

    I forgive you. Is forgiveness as simple as saying those three words? Occasionally, it might be. Other times, it’s much more complicated. While the benefits of forgiveness seem straightforward enough, forgiveness itself can actually be quite complex. Let’s explore some of the reasons why!


    In this week's blog post, we're talking about the complexities of forgiveness.

    Read more
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